Day One


John 1:1-13


Week Two Download




Know: Read John 1:1-13

Note: Mark keywords, including pronouns and phrases. (“In the beginning,” Word, God, life, light, John, children).

Ask questions: (Use tools such as interlinear guides to search the original meaning of words- free tool here) For example:

  • Who was the Word?

  • What is “life” and “light”?

  • When was the Word (time)?

  • Where did the Word dwell?

  • Why did the world not receive Jesus?

  • How do we become children of God?

Observation: Study notes below for context.

What: What does today’s study reveal to me about the nature of God? What truth do I need to receive and apply to my life today?

The Holy of Holies

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12

The Holy of Holies was the most unique place in the Tabernacle. Where the Outer Court experienced the natural light of day, and the Holy Place was lighted by seven lamps, the Holy of Holies (or The  Most Holy Place) was lighted by the very Shekinah Glory of God. The very presence of God rested on the Mercy Seat of the Ark like a cloud. No man could come near the Presence and live except for the High Priest, once a year, to make atonement for the sin of the people and who offered incense which represents prayers given as a sweet-smelling fragrance to God.  

The Prologue in John begins like Genesis: “In the beginning was.” In Genesis, the next word is “God.” In John, it is “The Word.”

The Hebrew word “God” in Genesis 1:1 is “Elohim.” Elohim is the name for the Triune Godhead working together.

John was written in Greek. The Greek word for “Word” in John 1:1 is logos. Logos refers to the spoken word. John was making a claim that Jesus was the very One who spoke the world into existence; “And God said, let there be light: and there was light.” Genesis 1:3

Recently, I did a study on Jesus in the Old Testament, which I want to share with you briefly.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8

Alpha and Omega is the Greek letter word for our A and Z. In Hebrew, in which all of the Old Testament is written, it is Aleph and Tav.

Take a look at the first verse of Genesis in Hebrew (Hebrew reads from right to left):

The Aleph-Tav symbol is scattered throughout the Hebrew Old Testament nine thousand six hundred twelve times (found only in the Paleo-Hebrew and the blocked letter Modern Hebrew scriptures as shown above). The Aleph-Tav is Jesus’ signature. Because our English translations cannot translate these symbols, many people don’t know that Jesus is everywhere in the Old Testament. Through the Aleph-Tav, he is mentioned ten times more than He is mentioned in the New Testament. He is concealed in the Old and revealed in the New. Remember that the Bible was written by thirty authors who lived thousands of years apart. There is no way they could have collaborated to sprinkle almost ten thousand Aleph-Tav’s in particular places unless they were instructed by God himself (Holy Spirit), who gave each a revelation of the Son. God is the one who put the signs there to show us the Son.

Every letter in Hebrew has a picture association. For example, the Aleph picture symbol is the head of an animal. The Tav picture is of a cross that symbolizes the strength of a covenant. In other words, the Aleph-Tav, literally means, “I am the sacrifice slain on the cross.”

Let’s take a look at where the Aleph-Tav is located in scripture. It can be found:

  • Preceding people’s names. God’s covenanted people had the Aleph-Tav added after they were circumcised. Christ-types like Moses, Joseph, and David had the Aleph-Tav at first mention.

  • Preceding God’s creation. In the Hebrew verse above (Genesis 1:1), we find the Aleph Tav in the center. There are three letters, each to the right and left of Aleph-Tav. Jesus is peripheral to everything! Jesus is also THE Tree of Life, placed within the midst (peripheral) of the Garden of Eden. Jesus was the Word who spoke, “Light be!” as He was there in the beginning.

  • Preceded offerings to God. Every sacrifice of an animal made to God as atonement for sin foreshadows Christ’s death. Before Christ, animal sacrifice atoned for sin temporarily. Atonement by Jesus was permanent. The Aleph-Tav preceded these animal sacrifices and each element in the Temple.

  • Preceding sickness, disease, plagues, and curses of Elohim's enemies, such as the ten plagues in Egypt. Jesus was the One who executed judgment on Egypt.

    • To understand how the Godhead functions and why the Aleph-Tav is placed where it is, it might be helpful to view the roles of the Godhead (Elohim) as governmental:

      • The Father (YHWH/Jehovah/ LORD) legislates.

      • The Son (Aleph-Tav, Adonai, Yeshua) is the executor.

      • The Holy Spirit (Ruach) administrates.

      • * More notes on this below

  • Foreshadowing.

    • Such as when Abraham went up the mountain to obey God’s command to sacrifice his Son. The Aleph-Tav is heavy in this story as it foreshadows His death on the cross.

*Notes about the names of God:

-YHWH (also called Jehovah or LORD- all caps) is considered the holiest name of God. The Jewish people, even today, won’t pronounce it because they believe it is too sacred to utter; that is why there are no vowels to make it impossible to say. They say, “The name.” They call it the Tetragrammaton because tetra means four. Four (tetra) letters spell YHWH: Yod. Hei. Vav. Hei. Just as each Hebrew letter has a picture association, it also has a word association. Yod= lamb, Hei = behold, Vav= hand.

YHWH= “Lamb behold, Hand behold” The Father’s name declares, “Behold my Son.”

Every time God revealed a new aspect of His nature, He revealed a double-barreled name, for example, Jehovah-Jireh= YHWH, your Provider. But taking what we know about God’s name, He was speaking of His Son. He was saying: “Behold my Son. He is your Provision.

Jehovah-Rapha: YHWH, your Healer = “Behold, my Son. He is your Healer.”

Jehovah- Nissi: YHWH, your Protector = “Behold, my Son. He is your Protector.”

Jehovah- Shalom: YHWH, your Peace. = “Behold, my Son. He is your Peace.”

Before man was created, YHWH (the Father) was not mentioned; it was always Elohim. YHWH is always mentioned as showing mercy; Elohim when He judges. Jesus only ever called God Father.

-The Son is also mentioned as Adonai or “my Lord,” such as when Abraham addressed the three men who came to him in the tent. Abraham only worshipped one of the men and called Him “my Lord.” (Angels do not receive worship.) Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus. Yeshua means “YHWH saves.” The Son’s name points to the Father.

-The Holy Spirit (RUACH) Hebrew word meaning is “nail, body, woman, nail, protect.” I find it interesting that the function of the Holy Spirit mentioned in scripture (helper, comforter, teacher) is very similar to a woman’s function. (Those are my thoughts alone- take it or leave it)

Today’s reading should help you see what John desired you to see: The Son. Jesus is not just a nice thought; He is everything. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:18. When we behold Jesus, we are transformed.

Notes about today’s study:

  • The “John” mentioned in this passage of John is not the author. It is John the Baptist.

  • Further Reading: If today’s study sparked an interest in further study, I recommend: I AM the Aleph-Tav by Samuel Koiki. There is also an English Study Bible which reveals the Aleph-Tav’s found here (It is an investment!). For those desiring to know more about Hebrew, I recommend Learning God’s Love Language: A Guide to Personal Hebrew Word Study by Chaim Bentorah.

  • Watch a message I spoke regarding the Aleph-Tav here.



About Know:Truth Ministry


How does getting a better understanding of Jesus make you more aware of the Triune God?


John 1:14-17