Chi-Alpha Rowdy Serve 2022

Chi-Alpha, UTSA Campus Ministry, partnered with LifeShare Church! Johnny Hauck and Markell Simons brought a great group of college students to complete our playground project. They put down landscaping timbers, fill gravel, and artificial turf. The PLAYGROUND at our New LifeShare Building is going to be amazing. Thank you Laura Thevaos for introducing us to your Chi-Alpha friends and thank you Chi-Alpha for advancing the kingdom of God with us. We will see many more UTSA students come to know the transformational love of Jesus.

Chi-Alpha UTSA Students did some outstanding work for the advancement of the Kingdom of God at our NEW LIFESHARE BUILDING earlier this week. It’s encouraging to meet so many young adults that love Jesus and will make great sacrifices to see his good news spread. Praise God for the Next Generation!