LifeShare Renovation Is Going Strong

The LifeShare Church Building Renovation is going strong! Over the past couple of weeks we’ve had about six subcontractors working at the same time, which is an awesome sight to see.

We feel like we are living the dream that the Lord spoke prophetically through the prophet, Mike Herron, twenty years ago in 2002 when He said, “Ted, you will Pastor a congregation and it will prosper in the hands of the Lord.” (Prophetic Word Video)

For the first year of this renovation I was mainly focused on planning and casting vision. Into the second year, I was doing much of the hands on construction with many of you that helped me here and there. And now, I’ve moved into the contractor phase of directing. It’s been a wonderful learning experience to be involved in this commercial building process.

Above and beyond everything, I must say, God has been overwhelmingly faithful through the obedience of many believers. The committed partners of LifeShare Church, through their tithing and offerings, have made it possible for us to come to the threshold of our Promised Land. And that Promised Land is a church building in San Antonio where we can all worship the true and living God together, as His family. Many salvations, healings, and spiritual restorations are on the horizon because we have collectively heard the voice of God and answered the call.

God is super proud of each and every one of you, and the best is yet to come for you and your family.

Blessings :) Pastor Ted