Framing and Plumbing Progress

The framing behind the stage is complete. This creates our back of stage wall and 3 offices. We will add electrical, sheetrock, and then a stage.

Josh Engler and Todd Timmons are helping me do the metal framing and they are outstanding at all things construction. This is the first time any one of us have done metal framing, but we’ve got the hang of it.

The plumbing by Rudy, Roy and Timothy Gallegos is also humming right along in the coffee shop area. We are plumbed for water, softener, mop sink, 3 partition sink, hand washing sink, and a refrigerator. Our coffee shop is going to be quite a magnet for people to come and have a creative place to relax.

This coming week will be framing around the coffee shop area and the wall that separates the foyer from the auditorium. We’ve settled on interior doors and we will be ordering those this coming week. We are going white pine with a clear coat finish. We will also do a white pine trim throughout the building. It’s going to look classy!

Thank you to all of our partners for bringing this local church vision to pass. The Lord is going to bless you abundantly for hearing his voice and answering the call. This LifeShare Worship Building is going to be a place where the Holy Spirit is going to dwell and lives are going to feel his presence. If you’d like to give to our building fund, do here GIVE.