January Courageous Meeting

Tom Hopkins gave an inspiring talk to the men of LifeShare as he shared his testimony recently at Courageous. He focused on the wisdom that he gleaned from Proverbs and his earthly father to better understand the love of his Heavenly Father. Then he prayed prophetic blessing over the men that had prayer needs.

Then the men divided up into small groups to reflect on the things Tom shared and also elements from Pastor Ted’s recent message about — “Unhindered Prayers.” It’s vital for men to cover their wife in a winsome way, so that couples stay in a peaceful relationship and nothing will hinder their prayers.

The young guys were also able to participate and then play some football and basketball outside. Pastor Ted was thrilled to play all-time quarterback with the young dudes. Hope you can make it to our next Courageous Men’s Meeting and bring your middle school or high school age son.