Eduardo and Daniela Rincon Provision | Jesus Story

Eduardo and Daniela are faithful members of LifeShare Church in San Antonio, Texas and Jesus has been incredibly faithful to them along their journey.

They shared with Pastor Ted Thevaos a testimony of how God provided a house for them after 5 years of patiently waiting and believing. They were finally ready to take the step of faith and buy a house when Covid-19 hit the world. Anxiety of the unknown and an unpredictable future caused Eduardo some sleepless nights, but instead of fearfully retreating they decided to have a zoom call with Pastors Ted and Anna Thevaos.

Ted and Anna shared about God's faithfulness over the years in their life of buying and selling homes. After the Rincon's shared their concerns, received faith-filled hope, and an agreement prayer; they decided to move forward in faith.

The Rincon's faithfully continued to tithe like they had committed to years before. They begin believing for Eduardo to hit his bonuses and he did. God provided in new and marvelous ways.

To top it off, the LifeShare Church family came out in force to help them move into their beautiful new home. The Rincon's have been celebrating God's goodness by having their church friends come over and share in the goodness of God.

Eduardo and Daniela made it clear, "You can trust God. He will come through for you 100%."